June 7th will be the day Theresa May resigns, she says. And Britain cheers! Whether it is the Left or the Right or the Middle (if there’s one) of the political spectrum, all celebrate the worst prime minister in UK history’s departure. The only worry for the Left: Who is going to replace her, oh come on, it won’t be the pro-Brexiteer Boris Johnson or will it?
Indeed, Boris Johnson is a favorite candidate in the race to replace her.
Theresa May is of the Conservative Party, or ‘Tories’, which is now the new Left. And Labor, which is also Left, traditionally, now calls for a second referendum for the people to decide the future of BREXIT. Which is retarded, since the people already voted for the BREXIT three years ago.
Quote: “It will be for my successor to seek a way forward that honours the result of the referendum.”
Which is quite a shot for anyone, since the British elites have unlearned what it means to be sovereign and are all cupped up in a ice cone called the totalitarian EU. Pressure will mount on any succeeding prime minister to undue the BREXIT.
Even the sages in Brussels are happy that Theresa May sinks. She seemed rather incompetent.
So will it be pro-REMAIN Jeremy Corbyn or pro-BREXIT Boris Johnson? If you asked me, Britain deserves the Boris. The future of Great Britain for the first time is not a question but an exclamation mark: BREXIT means BREXIT!
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