The Downfall of The Independent
I’m totally convinced that the year 2016 was the year of fake. The fakestream media, or legacy media, or dishonest media -whatever you want to call it — lies completely exposed.
People have always known that they mustn’t trust the state or corporate propaganda with a rusty pike of iron, but now they believe it with absolute certainty, and that’s an evolutionary bottleneck: We have to crawl to get through this! All of us!
The New York Times is fraudulent scam. CNN is sick news. MSNBC is news porn. The Economist is a terrorist organization. Die Zeit and Der Spiegel (German) produce miserable totalitarian propaganda all day. The Guardian is a disgrace to intelligence. The Wall Street Journal accuses every one of being a Nazi. To sum them up: They are all… Buzzfeed now. They are all… HuffPost. They are all gossip and click-bait, terror and tear apart. ARD and ZDF (German) are regime TV pissing on the people. BBC is empire-no-more TV. The Washington Post is anti-American. And The Independent has decided that ‘retard’ was still a niche.
RELATED The War Against the Legacy Media
From Gossip Press to Crap Media
The Independent’s rise and fall is spectacular. It started in 1986 as an agreeable centrist racket (80,000 circulation), then turned into a gossip press and tabloid (220,000 circulation), then turned into online-format only, spreading fake and crap and rumors. It currently spends its rest-money on Yahoo! syndication and hangs around Washington D.C., specializing on US smear and yellow and brown gossip.
The Independent, now online-scam and click-bait, hires cheap writers bloggers — lunatics, radical feminists, and social justice warriors — who troll, trigger, and whine in the hope that one in a thousand attacks will stick and become viral ‘news’. That one about ‘right wingers creating safe spaces’ [see image] became viral, but was later retracted. Total fabrication and look-at-me poop.
The Future of The Independent
I’m afraid The Independent can’t get any lower. Unfortunately, it can get bigger: Cheap sensation, virtue signalling, progressive lunacy. Offending everyone in the hope to create… more attention. Non-experts writing on expert topics. Crystal-ball readings. What-if-reporting. Link-farming. The crap media hires anyone with experience in social media and image boards —4chan, reddit— in order to infiltrate the geeks, the nerds, and the conspiracy theorists. Below a piece that links the London terrorist attack to… ta ta ta taa… 4chan! The internet image board! WOOOW!
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