The German language is under attack. Not by the usual suspects: Anglicisms. But by crazy feminists and gender ideologues.
Now a Dortmund-based group of language watchers, the German Language Association, launched a petition to stop this muh-muh.
Signatories of the petition include writer Rüdiger Safranski, comedian Dieter Hallervorden, and ex-Spy master Hans-Georg Maaßen. Despite the prominence, however, the petition is likely to fail because the regime has already adopted some of the feminizations and the press calls everybody who objects a chauvinistic arse.
German language arbitrarily divides all nouns into masculine, feminine, and neuter forms -der, die, das.
For example, der Tisch (table) is masculine, die Lampe (lamp) is feminine, and das Mädchen (girl) is neuter. In the plural, all nouns adopt the feminine article die, hence die Tische (tables), die Lampen (lamps), and die Mädchen (girls).
Call for more gender-neutral generic forms
Interestingly, the feminist don’t complain about the latter. Instead, they go for the professions. There are male and female nouns for most professions, however if they point to a mixed group of males and females, the male form is adopted. So, der Lehrer (teacher), die Lehrerin (teachress), but die Lehrer (teachers). Feminist want to change that into plural ‘die Lehrer*innen’ (teachers). An abomination of form in language, but politically correct, no?
It gets better. The personalized ‘one’ as in Gore Vidal’s “one thought of her as a poor relation” is ‘man’ in German language, which sounds an awful lot like “Mann” (man). So, our cultural Marxist want equality of gender here, too.
It is only a matter of time till the harpies get their way through sheer intimidation and emotional abuse of men in language. One wonders if they have ever hard of the universal male [selection] and the female [choice] principals in grammar? Because they would have to change that, too.
Meanwhile, the German language would be better served in abandoning the ß and the Umlaute ä, ö, and ü for the sake of internationalization and simplifying keyboards.