Why Shengren Is The Best Book About China

June 1, 2019

This is the best book about China. 2560 years of cool History. 350 years of awesome translations. There’s even some German, Dutch, French, and even Japanese in it! It was published uncensored, in its purity, […]

The time is right for Chinese terminologies

November 4, 2016

BEIJING (the East-West Writer) - Many Europeans and Americans want to know what the West can learn from China. They clearly sense the uniqueness and singularity of the Chinese tradition, yet they cannot quite put […]

Confucius School: Kindergarten…Already?

October 6, 2015

FONDLY remember our visit to Sihai Confucius Academy in Beijing (June 17, 2013). This academy is a private and boarding school that caters for children age 3-13 to learn - alongside the core subjects like […]

Dreams of De-Westernization - Pattberg on Key Concepts in Chinese Thought

March 29, 2015

“We cannot act as if China didn’t matter, as if the East-Asians for the last 3000 years invented nothing worth of naming and branding. The liberation of Chinese culture - its words and concepts - […]

Ode to the Shengren (圣人)

November 24, 2014

NEW VIDEO: “In January 2012, Mr. Pattberg presented a rough manuscript, ‘Shengren‘, to a committee of professors at Peking University, in which he proposed the revival of the Confucian 圣人 and the return of Chinese […]

Is He back?

September 26, 2014

Not a day passes at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China in Beijing without some Washington bureaucrat ringing: “Is he back?” For, as long as China watchers report nothing new from the ideological front, the […]

Religious Scholars And Their Agenda

February 23, 2014

THE European missions to Asia consisted of very few highly specialized individuals trained in theology and the sciences. Their destination countries – India, Japan, China, and Indochina – were the size of civilizations. Wolves in […]

东风与西风:一个德国人眼中的中西方文化 (裴德思)

November 18, 2013

NEW The East-West Dichotomy manifesto available from Foreign Language Press: Amazon.cn 东风与西风:一个德国人眼中的中西方文化 East Wind and West Wind: A German Scholar’s Meditations on the Differences between China and the West A UNIVERSE of differences separates the […]

The Coming of Post-Translational Society and The Rise of Chinese Terminologies

October 19, 2013

公开讲座:后翻译时代的到来以及中文术语的崛起 The Coming of Post-Translational Society and The Rise of Chinese Terminologies 【主 题】后翻译时代的到来以及中文术语的崛起 【主讲人】裴德思 博士 (Pattberg,Thorsten) 【时  间】2013年10月19日(周六),下午15:00-17:00 【地  点】云英语,北京市海淀区五道口华清嘉园商务会馆801 【工作语言】英文/中文 【主办方】云英语 讲座文章摘要 The English language is rich of foreign loanwords. Some languages were traditionally […]

The Future of Global Language and the Rise of Chinese Terminologies

October 15, 2013

北京大学高等人文研究院讲座:未来的全球语言与中文术语的崛起 The Future of Global Language and the Rise of Chinese Terminologies 【主讲人】裴德思 博士 (Pattberg,Thorsten) 【时  间】2013年10月17日(周四),下午15:00-17:00 【地  点】高等人文研究院,北京大学守仁国际研究中心 【主办方】北京大学高等人文研究院 讲座文章摘要 Chinese words are underrepresented in the English language for a variety of reasons but […]

Shengren at Dengfeng - Translation History Aims At Reviving Chinese Words

September 9, 2013

Thorsten Pattberg with Qiao Song, Major of Dengfeng, Henan Province SHAOLIN - In this talk at Songshan Forum in Dengfeng, Henan Province, we will have a look on the most important 36 German, French/Latin, and […]

On Creativity in China (Shanghai Daily)

September 3, 2013

Stop Translation, Adopt Foreign Key Terms, Create Global Language (Shanghai Daily, Sept 2, 2013) “…the creator, when he arises, always finds himself overwhelmingly outnumbered by the inert uncreative mass…” –Arnold J. Toynbee I have been […]

Making a nation’s dream come true (China Daily)

August 12, 2013

Definition and Universality of the Zhongguo Meng “Promoting Chinese concepts in the rest of the world is not very difficult - stop translating key Chinese terminologies!” BEIJING - Latest op-ed for China Daily discusses Chinese […]

Having the Sovereignty over the Definition of Thought

May 14, 2013

Western domination over World History We have been there before. The West still cultivates the out-dated notion that “knowledge only exists if it’s the West that knows it.” The consequences of past Euro-centricism are far-reaching: By […]

On Chinese Terms

April 5, 2013

‘Tomb Sweeping Day’ distorts Chinese meaning of Qingming (Shanghai Daily) This article was published on the 2nd April 2013 in Shanghai Daily on the occasion of the Qingming Festival 2013 (which is the 4th April […]

Pattberg: Time for Chinese culture to strike back

February 15, 2013

Asia Times: Time for Chinese culture to strike back BEIJING - Failure to care about “cultural property rights” as much as Beijing frets over sovereignty of lands and seas has seen too many Chinese concepts […]

Pattberg: The East is a Promotion

January 22, 2013

The East is a Promotion by Thorsten Pattberg “The East is a career,” reads the quote by Benjamin Disraeli in the preamble of Edward Said’s 1978 masterpiece ‘Orientalism’. Since Deng Xiaoping’s opening-up policy, millions of […]


January 1, 2013

裴德思:翻译的终结 裴德思 著 吴万伟 译 北京:坦率地说,很少人认识到《圣经》对人们学习外语的热情的打击。巴别塔的故事告诉我们世界上只有一种人(上帝的子民),只不过“我们的语言被搞混乱了。”从欧洲历史的视角看,这意味着任何一个德国哲学家都确切地知道中国人在想什么,只不过他不明白这些想法罢了。所以无需学习外语,他只要译文即可。 巧合的是,《圣经》之后是大写H的历史。在德意志国家的神圣罗马帝国时期,德国学者仍然说拉丁语,德国逻辑学家克里斯汀·沃尔夫(Christian Wolff)打开了儒家典籍的拉丁译文。我想,他的反应是既担忧又觉得可笑。他阅读拉丁语版本的《孔子》,说了这样的话“太棒了,看起来这么熟悉,我觉得完全理解了孔子的想法。” 沃尔夫对这种新的思想威力兴奋不已,于是他到处做有关中国的讲座,就好像他是中国国王一般。如果不觉得滑稽,应该算非常精彩。在他令人难忘的发现中,我们看到“中国人的动机”或“中国人的最终目标”等内容。 当然,有人偶尔问沃尔夫大师为什么不访问中国时,这位最伟大的汉学家表现出最伟大的思想胜利。他回答说“中国人的智慧普遍没有得到高度重视,因此没有有必要为此而去中国旅行。” 我认为,历史在沃尔夫那里终结的说法就如此建立起来了,或者至少变得疲惫不堪和玩世不恭了。他的表现充分说明了这个事实,即任何一个欧洲人都可以在不认识一个中国字的情况下成为“中国专家”。 因为这对任何一个种外语来说都是真实的,所以现在我们知道了为什么德国哲学家康德能够大胆地宣称“万事终结”,黑格尔可以宣称“历史的终结”。两位学问渊博的人都非常清楚他们在有生之年并没有掌握任何一种非欧洲语言,他们只是简单地假设各国的历史都差不多。 西半球的这种态度并没有改变多少,而我们当今生活在一个疯狂的世界。美国和欧洲的大部分学者相信中国人“说他们的语言”,只不过用“汉语”交谈,如民主和人权。你或许这样认为,但那些是欧洲人的词汇,中国根本没有。想象一下中国人回敬一下,要求欧洲更加文明和天人合一会如何? Read full text on aisixiang.com here. 作者简介: 裴德思,北京大学人文科学高等研究员德国学者。著有《东西二元论》(2009),《圣人》(2011)和《在北大》(2012)。 译自:The End of Translation By Thorsten Pattberg 吴万伟,上海外国语大学硕士,武汉科技大学外语学院副教授,出版译著《行为糟糕的哲学家》,在《环球时报》、《社会学家茶座》等报刊和“学术中华”、”天益”、“光明观察”、《孔子2000》、“正来学堂”、“哲学在线”等网站发表翻译文章多篇。

Santa Confucius and Christmas in China

December 24, 2012

‘Santa Confucius’ and Christmas in China “The origin of the CHINESE nation was not long after the Flood … This being so, it must necessarily follow that the first inhabitants of CHINA had likewise the […]

Confucianism commands New Europe

December 18, 2012

Article published in China Daily, Dec. 10th 2012 BEIJING - Europe is adopting Confucian virtues and China’s lofty pragmatism to cope with its fragile unity and social harmony. The impact of Chinese students in Europe, […]

Science Magazine: No shengren, please!

September 16, 2012

Science Magazine: No shengren, please! US Science Magazine excludes Chinese terminologies from its publications. If the shengren isn’t science, what in China is? The shengren is the single most important concept in the Chinese tradition. […]

Per favore non chiamatemi Dragone

August 24, 2012

  Italian translation of Pattberg’s ‘Long’ article in China Daily - by TG3 “My name is Long, Chinese Long”. Per favore non chiamatemi Dragone Chiamare le cose col proprio nome è importante. Il “dragone” cinese […]

The Rise of the Shengren - Gallery 1

August 22, 2012

  The Rise of the Shengren - Gallery 1 “How to empower 4 billion people? Return Asia its key terminologies!”-Pattberg A collection of images from the shengren project. The shengren is the most important concept […]